System: Mediastinum: Epithelial: Benign: Bronchogenic Cyst
Normal basilar lung is seen to the left, with the uniloculated fibrous appearing cystic lesion to the right. The lining appears somewhat trabeculated. Serosanginous fluid drained from the lumen.
The junction of normal lung (lower) into the cyst wall (upper) is seen here. The wall is fibrotic and heavily inflamed, with denuded epithelium.
Focally, an intact epithelium is preserved, showing respiratory type cells with cilia.
This different example of a bronchogenic cyst is different in it location. The cystic lesion abuts fatty tissue with collections of lymphocytes.
Here you can see a Hassall's corpuscle in the surrounding tissue indicating that the bronchogenic cyst arises from thymic tissue.
Up close one can appreciatd that the type of epithlial lining is in fact the same as the prior example.
The presence of cartilage in the wall excludes the possibility of esophageal duplication cyst.
Bronchogenic cysts, unlike esophageal duplication cysts, may contain submucosal glands as seen in the wall of the respiratory tract.
This bronchogenic cyst has a trabecular lining.
Bronchogenic cysts arise from buds that separate the foregut during the formation of the tracheobronchial tree. The majority are in the mediastinum, but they may also occur in the suprasternal notch or rarely in the lower neck or shoulder.
M=F, with a broad age range. In the very young, the cyst may cause respiratory distress, while in adults they are most often asymptomatic. Radiologically a solitary cystic lesion is seen in close association with the tracheobronchial tree.
Excision is curative.